Face Value Dental Blog - Page 4

Dental Blog

What Does Tooth Sensitivity Mean?.

Do you feel pain or discomfort when you have hot or cold food and drink or when you brush and floss your teeth? Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth, but if eating, drinking and daily oral care are causing you.....
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Category: General Dentistry

Am I Too Young to Get Dentures?.

From injuries to extractions, tooth loss can affect people of all ages. If you have gaps in your smile from missing teeth, or if you need to replace all of your teeth, dentures could be an option to consider. If you asso.....
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What Causes Tooth Decay and Erosion?.

When teeth are damaged or worn down, this can make them feel painful and sensitive. The more tooth enamel is lost, the more vulnerable a tooth will be to infections. If this isn't treated in time, it can sometimes lead .....
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Category: General Dentistry, Holistic Dentistry

What Does Toothache and Swelling Mean?.

Toothache can happen for many reasons and is sometimes benign, but toothache accompanied by swelling is more likely to indicate a serious problem. If you have pain and swelling in your mouth, it's important to see your d.....
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Category: Oral Health

Are Electric Toothbrushes Really Better for Your Teeth?.

If you or your kids don't use an electric toothbrush, are you giving your teeth the best care you can? Will going electric mean less plaque and less chance of needing a filling? Not necessarily. While there is evidence t.....
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Category: General Dentistry

What Is a Dry Mouth a Sign Of?.

Do your mouth and throat often feel dry, even when you're drinking enough water? If this is persistent, you could have dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia). This means your salivary glands aren't producing the saliva needed t.....
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Category: General Dentistry

How to Get More Calcium for Healthy Teeth.

Are you or your kids getting enough calcium in your diet? Calcium is important for building healthy teeth, jaws and bones, and for maintaining their health and function throughout your life. It also helps systems such as.....
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Category: General Dentistry, Holistic Dentistry

What If I Need a Dentist over Christmas?.

When you're enjoying the Christmas holidays, the last thing you want is to have to visit the emergency clinic. However, the festive season is the most common time of the year for dental injuries and toothaches, as people.....
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Category: Dental Emergencies

Give Your Teeth a White Christmas with These Healthy Sugar Swaps.

If you take care of your teeth and gums the rest of the year, why should you let things slide at Christmas? Over-indulging in the sweet stuff might be a festive tradition, but it's not one you have to subscribe to – espe.....
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Category: Oral Health

Are Kids Free at the Dentist?.

When it comes to taking care of your kids' teeth and oral health, you don't want to have to worry about the cost. Fortunately, most parents and guardians in Australia can receive help easing the financial burden thanks t.....
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Category: Children's Dentistry

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