Face Value Dental Blog - Page 3

Sugar and Your Teeth: How Much Is Too Much?.

Australians may be more health-conscious than ever, but tooth decay and gum disease are still major problems across different age groups. This is largely down to how much sugar we consume every day. We all know that suga.....
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Category: General Dentistry, Oral Health

9 Reasons NOT to Have Cheap Dental Treatments Overseas.

Like most goods and services, the cost of dental treatments is usually cheaper in developing countries compared to Australia. In recent years, this has persuaded an increasing number of Aussies to fly abroad for cheaper.....
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Category: General Dentistry

Do You Need to Brush a Baby's Teeth?.

Should you start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as they have them, or is it okay to wait? Do baby teeth really need to be brushed, if they're going to fall out eventually anyway? New parents often have lots of questi.....
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Category: Children's Dentistry

How Can I Fix Small Teeth?.

If you have small or short teeth, this could affect how your teeth bite together, possibly leading to eating difficulties or other concerns such as teeth grinding or jaw problems. While small teeth don't always cause phy.....
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Why Is Getting a Good Night's Sleep So Important?.

If you don't get the recommended amount of sleep each night and often feel tired during the day, you're not alone. Around 4 in 10 Australians say they don't get enough sleep. Whether it's due to poor sleeping habits or a.....
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How to Get the Best Results from Teeth Whitening.

If your teeth are yellow, stained or discoloured, you might be considering a teeth whitening treatment. These cosmetic treatments use chemicals that remove certain pigments from the teeth, leaving them naturally whiter. .....
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Dental Health Week 2020: Beware of Hidden Sugars.

We all know that sugar's bad for our teeth and that we should watch what we eat and drink, but that can be easier said than done when so many sugars hide their identity behind scientific names and confusing measurements......
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Category: General Dentistry, Oral Health

What Does Tooth Sensitivity Mean?.

Do you feel pain or discomfort when you have hot or cold food and drink or when you brush and floss your teeth? Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth, but if eating, drinking and daily oral care are causing you.....
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Category: General Dentistry

Am I Too Young to Get Dentures?.

From injuries to extractions, tooth loss can affect people of all ages. If you have gaps in your smile from missing teeth, or if you need to replace all of your teeth, dentures could be an option to consider. If you asso.....
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What Causes Tooth Decay and Erosion?.

When teeth are damaged or worn down, this can make them feel painful and sensitive. The more tooth enamel is lost, the more vulnerable a tooth will be to infections. If this isn't treated in time, it can sometimes lead .....
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Category: General Dentistry, Holistic Dentistry

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