Improve Your Oral Health This Year With Tried & Tested Tips

Top tips to improve your oral health in 2016

2016 is finally upon us. If you have made your New Year’s resolutions, did you remember to make one that you and your family can smile about? Yes, I’m talking about the dental health of your family. Setting yearly goals to achieve optimal dental health is unfortunately something that many people neglect to do or simply find it too bothersome. The truth is, caring for your family’s dental health involves not a lot more than working new habits into your daily routine that are easy and straightforward.

They don’t require major lifestyle changes or big investments. Just follow some simple steps and before long, you will realise that tiny changes to your dental routine will have ripple effects on the oral health of your entire family.

maintaining a healthy dental routine

To start you off on the path to achieving healthier smiles all year round, here are some tried and true oral health tips for your consideration:

9 Best Oral Health Tips

Brush After Every Meal

brush after every meal

This may sound a little over the top but brushing after each meal works wonders for your smile and dental health. The sugar content in many types of food is likely to attack tooth enamel within the first 20 minutes following intake. The key is to remove food debris by brushing after each meal so that they do not linger in your mouth long enough to develop into plaque or worse, harden into calculus. For children below the age of 8, adult supervision is necessary to help with the brushing.

Floss Daily

floss your teeth daily

Brushing your teeth may not completely remove food debris trapped between your teeth. Flossing is the best way to prevent the plaque that causes gum disease from building up in the crevices between your teeth and gums. Flossing may be slightly more demanding for children, hence adult supervision is advised up to the age of 9.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

One of the main reasons behind fluoride being added to drinking water – something that has been done since the 1930s – is because the chemical compound helps to reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities. The same is true of toothpaste with fluoride content. Using fluoridated toothpaste for your regular brushing can help to prevent tooth decay and remineralise areas where decay is developing.

Replace Your Toothbrush Periodically

On average you should change your toothbrush every 3 to 6 months. For health reasons, it is also wise to replace your toothbrush after having the flu or a cold.

Use Mouthwash

Gargling with an antimicrobial mouth rinse should be included in your oral care routine as it helps to fight bacterial plaque and bad breath (halitosis). However, it should not be used as a replacement for brushing or flossing.

Watch What You Eat Or Drink

Good nutrition not only benefits your general health but also improves the wellbeing of your teeth and gums. Eating healthy, in the dental sense, means avoiding sugary drinks and sticky sugary foods. Sugary foods are acceptable in moderate amounts but frequent snacking will expose your teeth to high risks of plaque build-up. You should also avoid foods that are hard to bite or chew, especially if you are wearing dental appliances such as the traditional wire-and-bracket type of braces.

Do Not Overstress Your Teeth

While your teeth may be tough, they are not built to withstand extreme usage. Using your teeth to crack nutshells, open bottle caps or chewing ice are examples of misuse that will overstress and damage your teeth in the long run. Overstressing your teeth may even chip or break them in the process.

Use A Mouthguard (Especially For Sporty Types)

remember to wear a mouthguard especially in contact sports

You may be surprised how often a dental injury occurs in sporting activities. If you are actively engaged in any form of contact sports, you should invest in a mouthguard. A mouthguard is designed to absorb the shock or trauma to your teeth or jaw when you sustain a sharp blow to the face in the heat of the game. A mouthguard can prevent such injuries and the need for expensive dental treatment.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Last but certainly not least, you should visit your dentist for regular checks and cleans. Routine dental examinations and cleaning sessions make an important safeguard against the development – or escalation – of oral issues. It is recommended that you visit your dentist for a check-up twice a year.

Contact Face Value Dental

Our exclusive $195 check-up and clean offer will give you some great savings, and you still get the benefit of receiving high quality care and service from our professionals!

Contact our friendly team on (07 3221 0677 to arrange your appointment!

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