Three Simple Ways to Increase Physical Activity | Face Value Dental

Three Simple Ways to Increase Your Physical Activity

3 min read

Working office jobs promote a sedentary lifestyle and if you’re not careful it can lead to harmful health effects stemming from a lack of physical activity. Many people also find squeezing in physical activity into a busy work, home and social lifestyle to be challenging. Don’t worry! Here are 4 simple ways to improve your physical activity at home and work.

simple ways to increase physical activity

Take the Stairs

Whether you live in an apartment or work on the third floor of an office building, this tactic is perfect for you. Instead of obliging to your normal routine of taking the lift or escalator, opt for the stairs. If this is implemented into your daily routine, the health benefits in the long run are countless. Start by slowly walking up the stairs and eventually move to jogging up the stairs. Of course if you work on level 15, this advice becomes less practical – however, think about walking the first couple of levels and taking the elevator the rest of the way.

Park Far Away on Purpose

This is a simple but highly effective way to increase the amount of physical activity you do daily. Avoid parking at the nearest spot to the entry of your parking mall and office and opt to park further instead. This will encourage you to walk further and add up overtime. Brisk walking can help increase your heart rate and reduce time wasted. An added benefit is that you may need to carry your bags or push your trolley that little bit further – acting as your very own pair of personal weights. Tip of the Day: Why not park at King George Square Car Park and enjoy a 10 minute walk to our CBD Dentist when you visit for your next dental appointment?

ways to increase footsteps everydayUse Public Transport

Taking public transport presents many benefits. Not only is it good for the environment, but it also decreases money spent on petrol and encourages you to walk to and from bus stops/train station. Why not cycle to your nearest CityCat or take advantage of the city’s free Loop bus services every morning? This extra bit of physical activity every day can help you increase your amount of exercise and promotes a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

Take Care of Your Garden
Gardening and yard work is a great way to get outdoors and increase your physical activity without even realising it. Although not renowned as strenuous activity, gardening encourages you to use a range of muscle groups and put them to action. Before you know it - the simple act of raking leaves, trimming the bushes, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds, will help you burn those extra calories. Why not make gardening a fun activity to do every weekend with the kids?

Simply increasing the number of steps you take per day via walking or taking the stairs can greatly reduce your risk of diseases like diabetes and cardio vascular disease. Regardless of your current exercise habits; incorporating the above activities to your daily routine can have great benefits to you general health and wellbeing in the long run.

Looking after your overall health is very important to wellbeing in the long run. Taking care of your oral health also plays an important role in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you are concerned about the state of your oral health or simply want a check-up; feel free to visit or contact us on (07 3221 0677 .

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